Below are some of my non-research essays: Conflict, Contract and Society, written for In Dialogue with Humanity. Won the Silver Award of Best Essay Award 2015-16 Energy Allocation Problem and Renewable Energy in China, written for Environmental Crises - China And The World On the Boundary of Science, written for In Dialogue with Nature The Impact of Automation on Employment and Relevant Economic Solutions, written for English Communication for University Studies
Reading Presentations
Improving Some Online CP Detectors in Time Series Adaptive Design and Recursive Estimation A Causal Bootstrap Large Sample Techniques for Statistics - Ch15 (PDF) Detection of GON with SDOCT Fourier Analysis of Time Series - Ch8 (PDF) Causal Isotonic Regression Probability With Martingales - Ch13 (PDF) Probability With Martingales - Ch12 (PDF)
General Presentations
JUPAS Business Programmes R Package Development (PDF) Academic Counselling for QFRM Freshman U-Life Planning for QFRM/QFIN Student