Fall 2020
Alternatively, we can do logarithmic transformation under multiplicative model \[ \ln x_t = \ln T_t +\ln I_t \]
Vs index of fluctuation
Periodogram of logarithms (dots) and index of fluctuation (squares)
Periodogram of logarithms of two halves (1545-1694=squares, 1695-1844=dots)
Periodogram of two halves of the variable star series
Average segment periodograms for the logarithms of the wheat prices, 1545-1844
Suppose the data are divided into \(k\) non-overlapping segments of length \(m = n/k\)
The average of these periodogram is \[ \begin{aligned} \hat{s}(f) &= \frac{1}{k} \sum_{j=1}^k I_j(f) = \sum_{|r|<m} \left( \frac{1}{k} \sum_{j=1}^k c_{j,r} \right) \exp(-2\pi i f r) \\ &= \sum_{|r|<m} \left( 1 -\frac{|r|}{m} \right) \frac{1}{k(m-|r|)} \sum_{j=1}^k m c_{j,r} \exp(-2\pi i f r). \end{aligned} \]
Now \(\sum_{j=1}^k m c_{j,r}\) is like \(nc_r\), a sum of products of the form \(x_t x_{t+r}\)
Bartlett spectrum estimates for the logarithms of the wheat prices, 1545-1844
Spectral windows for the modified Bartlett spectrum estimates
Smoothed periodogram of logarithms of wheat price index, with spectral window inset (Modified Daniell filer, m=6.)
Smoothed periodogram of logarithms of wheat price index, with spectral window inset (Modified Daniell filer, m=6,12.)
Smoothed periodogram of yearly sunspot numbers (solid line) and their square roots (broken line), with spectral window inset (Modified Daniell filer, m=6,6,6.)
\[ \tilde{r}(f) = \sum_u g_u r(f-f_u). \] - The reroughted spectrum estimate is \(\hat{s}_r(f) = \tilde{r}(f) \hat{s}(f)\). - If the same filter is used in the second round as in the first, the process is called twicing
Twiced spectrum estiamte of wheat price index (solid line) and original esimtae (broken line) (Modified Daniell filer, m=6,12.)
Twiced spectrum estiamte of yearly sunspot numbers (solid line) and original esimtae (broken line) (Modified Daniell filer, m=6,6,6.)