Winter 2020


  • Before developing a R package, I recommend additional knowledge of
  • Reference book: R packages by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan
    • read for details as I can only cover working knowledge
    • vs Writing R Extensions
      • the later is official but more difficult to read
      • package.skeleton() is also less developer friendly than R studio project
  • I will assume we have some R functions ready for bundling into a package


  1. Name our package (nicely)
    • avoid name collision, e.g., available::available(“rpkg”, browse=F)
  2. Create directory via File > New Project… > New Directory > R package
  3. Edit the DESCRIPTION file
  4. Put the ready R scripts in R/
    • document these scripts with roxygen2, e.g., title, description, @param, @examples, @return
    • put examples in separate files if they are long and use @example
    • (optional) document the package as a whole
  5. Prepare unit tests, e.g., usethis::use_testthat()
  6. Check the package, e.g., devtools::check()
  7. Write vignettes when our package is relatively stable


  • How to build a pdf with all available functions’ help manual?
    • Use devtools::build_manual().