
How to implement a Monte Carlo experiment in R?


The flow of a Monte Carlo experiment is as follows:

  1. Generate data from some probabilistic models
  2. Perform a deterministic computation on the data
  3. Aggregate the results

Applying this flow on approximating the value of \(\pi\) (a graphical illustration can be found on Wikipedia), the flow becomes:

  1. Generate \(U_1, U_2 \sim U(0,1)\)
  2. If \(\sqrt{U_1^2+U_2^2} \le 1\), then set \(V_i = 1\). Otherwise set \(V_i = 0\). The idea here is to check whether the point falls inside 1/4 of a unit circle
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 for \(n\) times. The approximated value of \(\pi\) is \(4n^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^n V_i\)

We try to implement the above in R:

n = 10000
V = vector(length=n)
# 3. Repeat step 1 and 2 for n times
for (i in 1:n)
  # 1. Generate U1, U2
  U = runif(2)
  # 2. Check whether the point falls inside 1/4 of a unit circle
  if (sqrt(U[1]^2+U[2]^2) <= 1)
    V[i] = 1
  } else
    V[i] = 0
4*sum(V)/n # Approximated value of pi
## [1] 3.1556

We can further try different radius to check the validity, which is similar to the idea of n.all or delta.all in this course. The flow becomes:

  1. Generate \(U_1, U_2 \sim U(0,r_j)\)
  2. If \(\sqrt{U_1^2+U_2^2} \le r_j\), then set \(V_i^{(j)} = 1\). Otherwise set \(V_i^{(j)} = 0\). The idea here is to check whether the point falls inside 1/4 of a circle with radius \(r_j\)
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 for \(i=1,\dots,n\) and \(j = 1,\dots,m\). The approximated values of \(\pi\) are \(\hat{\pi}^{(j)} = 4n^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^n V_i^{(j)}\)

We try to implement the above in R. Note that some parts are extended compared with the last snippet.

n.rep = 10000
rad.all = c(1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3)
n.rad = length(rad.all)
V = matrix(nrow=n.rep, ncol=n.rad)
rownames(V) = paste0("i.rep=",1:n.rep)
colnames(V) = paste0("rad=",rad.all)
# 3. Repeat for different radius
for (i.rad in 1:n.rad)
  # 3. Repeat for different replications
  for (i.rep in 1:n.rep)
    # 1. Generate U1, U2 according to radius r
    r = rad.all[i.rad]
    U = runif(2, 0, r)
    # 2. Check whether the point falls inside 1/4 of a circle with radius r
    V[i.rep, i.rad] = (sqrt(sum(U^2)) <= r)
4*colSums(V)/n # Approximated value of pi
##   rad=1 rad=1.5   rad=2 rad=2.5   rad=3 
##  3.1392  3.1168  3.1384  3.1616  3.1540

The output conveys two messages. Firstly, the method seems to be working for different radius. Second and more importantly, the approximated value when radius is 1 probably differs from previous one. This is because step 1 of Monte Carlo experiment involves randomness and so error is likely to exist. To make the results reproducible, we can leverage on the set.seed function. For instance,

for (i.rad in 1:n.rad)
  set.seed(i.rad) # control randomness for reproducible results
  for (i.rep in 1:n.rep)
    r = rad.all[i.rad]
    U = runif(2, 0, r)
    V[i.rep, i.rad] = (sqrt(U[1]^2+U[2]^2) <= r)
##   rad=1 rad=1.5   rad=2 rad=2.5   rad=3 
##  3.1160  3.1476  3.1448  3.1256  3.1492

The result can be reproduced when we run the same snippet:

for (i.rad in 1:n.rad)
  set.seed(i.rad) # control randomness for reproducible results
  for (i.rep in 1:n.rep)
    r = rad.all[i.rad]
    U = runif(2, 0, r)
    V[i.rep, i.rad] = (sqrt(U[1]^2+U[2]^2) <= r)
##   rad=1 rad=1.5   rad=2 rad=2.5   rad=3 
##  3.1160  3.1476  3.1448  3.1256  3.1492

We can also report to relative error so that it is more readable:

##        rad=1      rad=1.5        rad=2      rad=2.5        rad=3 
## -0.008146395  0.001912198  0.001020930 -0.005090620  0.002421494

Finally, we comment on several R functions that we have used for simulation so far:

  1. array: it is just a multi-dimensional “storage space” for our simulated values. When we try different radius above, we change V from 1D vector to 2D matrix during initialization
  2. apply: it is a functional programming device for looping. If we are not familiar with it, we can always implement the same thing using traditional device like for loop